Uses of Class

Packages that use JellyContext

Uses of JellyContext in net.sourceforge.xwing.jelly

Subclasses of JellyContext in net.sourceforge.xwing.jelly
 class XwingContext

Methods in net.sourceforge.xwing.jelly that return JellyContext
protected  JellyContext XwingContext.createChildContext()

Constructors in net.sourceforge.xwing.jelly with parameters of type JellyContext
XwingContext(JellyContext parent)
XwingContext(JellyContext parentJellyContext, URL currentURL)
XwingContext(JellyContext parentJellyContext, URL rootURL, URL currentURL)

Uses of JellyContext in net.sourceforge.xwing.jelly.tags.util

Subclasses of JellyContext in net.sourceforge.xwing.jelly.tags.util
 class FunctionContext

Methods in net.sourceforge.xwing.jelly.tags.util with parameters of type JellyContext
 void context, XMLOutput output)

Constructors in net.sourceforge.xwing.jelly.tags.util with parameters of type JellyContext
FunctionContext(JellyContext parent)
FunctionContext(JellyContext parentJellyContext, URL currentURL)
FunctionContext(JellyContext parentJellyContext, URL rootURL, URL currentURL)

Uses of JellyContext in org.apache.commons.jelly

Methods in org.apache.commons.jelly that return JellyContext
 JellyContext JellyContext.getParent()
 JellyContext JellyContext.getScope(String name)
 JellyContext JellyContext.newJellyContext(Map newVariables)
          A factory method to create a new child context of the current context.
 JellyContext JellyContext.newJellyContext()
          A factory method to create a new child context of the current context.
 JellyContext JellyContext.runScript(File file, XMLOutput output)
          Parses the script from the given File then compiles it and runs it.
 JellyContext JellyContext.runScript(URL url, XMLOutput output)
          Parses the script from the given URL then compiles it and runs it.
 JellyContext JellyContext.runScript(String uri, XMLOutput output)
          Parses the script from the given uri using the JellyContext.getResource() API then compiles it and runs it.
 JellyContext JellyContext.runScript(String uri, XMLOutput output, boolean export, boolean inherit)
          Parses the script from the given uri using the JellyContext.getResource() API then compiles it and runs it.
 JellyContext JellyContext.runScript(File file, XMLOutput output, boolean export, boolean inherit)
          Parses the script from the given file then compiles it and runs it.
 JellyContext JellyContext.runScript(URL url, XMLOutput output, boolean export, boolean inherit)
          Parses the script from the given URL then compiles it and runs it.
protected  JellyContext JellyContext.createChildContext()
          Factory method to create a new child of this context

Methods in org.apache.commons.jelly with parameters of type JellyContext
protected  void JellyContext.setParent(JellyContext context)
          Change the parent context to the one provided

Constructors in org.apache.commons.jelly with parameters of type JellyContext
JellyContext(JellyContext parent)
JellyContext(JellyContext parentJellyContext, URL currentURL)
JellyContext(JellyContext parentJellyContext, URL rootURL, URL currentURL)

Uses of JellyContext in org.apache.commons.jelly.impl

Methods in org.apache.commons.jelly.impl with parameters of type JellyContext
 void context, XMLOutput output)
protected  Tag StaticTagScript.findDynamicTag(JellyContext context, StaticTag tag)
          Attempts to find a dynamically created tag that has been created since this script was compiled
 void context, XMLOutput output)
          Evaluates the body of a tag

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